Sunday, June 19, 2011

Home is where the heart is...

Well, us Matteys are at it again. Come on, like you weren't getting that feeling in the air. We are MOVING. Only this time its not to somewhere new, its home. The place we have lived the longest in our 9 years of marriage. California. When we left Cali we knew there were going to be so many things we missed about it, the problem is, we miss them too much. We truly did feel at home there more than we have anywhere in this world, and yes I can say world.

When we made the decision to move to Oklahoma, we were going through some things with a house we owned here, keep it or sell it. We were still adjusting to being a family of 3, one of which was a two-year old who seemed to embody the phrase "terrible two's".  And quite frankly, I was EXHAUSTED and wanted/needed the help of my mother!

Now, 6 months later, life is settling into its fantastic rhythm again, and I am not quite so bleary eyed. All those things we were so sad to leave in Cali, are things we miss desperately. The ocean, the sunshine, the NON humidity, the beach, our church, our friends, walking downtown, the street fair, the parks, kean coffee (if you live in HB and don't know what I am talking about, you MUST try it), Disneyland, wonderful fresh food... year 'round, the list could go on. It's been a realization that for our family, and the lifestyle we love, California is the best fit for us.

I am so glad we moved back to Oklahoma for the time we did though. I have enjoyed every second of the time that I have been able to spend with my family and long-time friends. I am also glad that I will no longer have to wonder in the back of my mind if we are supposed to be in Oklahoma, because I know now that this is not our "landing place".

So we are headed out west again, this time for good. We leave June 23 for the two day drive. Just in time for the fantastic 4th of July and fireworks on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. They say California is the place you oughta be...
    So load up that truck and come back to HB!!! ;-)
